Responsible Care

Responsible Care®

How can we combine the necessary economic and social growth of the business while reducing our environmental impact?

Since 2006, all employees of Lubrizol are invited to brainstorm on this issue. Many topics were identified, including:

  • Energy savings in our facilities
  • Transportation optimization
  • Waste reduction at source of recycling measures
  • Realization of a carbon evaluation
  • Participation in the local community (inter-company, associations, etc.)
  • Developing products that contribute to energy savings for our customers

More about Responsible Care

Our Company Citizenship report (french only)

Responsible Care® Management System

Our Ethical and Legal Conduct Guidelines

Our Carbon Footprint report

In 2011, Lubrizol Rouen received the Sustainable Development Award for our action with the community advisor panel

In 2013, Lubrizol rewarded two associations for the 3rd edition of the nature conservation fund.

In 2015, for the COP21 event and in partnership with the UIC, Lubrizol published the sheet "solutions for the Climate".

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