External Relations

External Relations

A company well integrated in its environment.

Lubrizol France's policy is to integrate into the local community and be involved in the development of economic activities. The visibility of the company is reflected in many ways:

Active involvement of representatives from Lubrizol in several organizations and associations:

  • Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Seine Mer Normandie, Le Havre and Normandie
  • Paris Seine Normandie (PSN)
  • Rouen Normandy Invest
  • The Union des Industries Chimiques de Normandie (UIC)
  • Air Normand (Observatory of Air Quality)
  • Seine Alliance Club West
  • The Grandde network (Normand Regional Group of Actors for Sustainable Development in Enterprise)

Lubrizol France contributes to various corporate philanthropy and sponsorship in areas such as culture, health, sports and education.
For the 2017 season, Lubrizol is sponsoring, among others, "Le Stade Rouennais de Rugby", "Union Sportive Quevillaise"  and  "le Stade sottevillais 76" that organizes the following major events: "La Perche Elite Tour" and the "Meeting International d'athlétisme".